Energy saving multi-split water-cooled air conditioner without outdoor unit IDRA ECO


Energy saving multi-split water-cooled air conditioner without outdoor unit IDRA ECO

Energy saving multi-split DC Inverter water-cooled air conditioner without outdoor unit


Energy saving water-cooled air conditioner in energy class A+++

Amongst the ecological water-cooled air conditioners, IDRA ECO multisplit stands out for the adoption of avant-garde solutions able to improve energy efficiency and reduce the impact on the environment. Thanks to its reduced power consumption, the product achieves energy class A+++ in cooling mode. The IDRA ECO multisplit uses R32 refrigerant: more efficient and environmentally friendly than the gases previously used in air conditioners!

Invisible, silent and compact, the IDRA ECO multisplit air conditioner guarantees high performance and low energy consumption with ZERO aesthetic IMPACT. From the outside of the building, neither condensing units nor grilles are visible; IDRA ECO multisplit is connected to the water system and can be easily installed in small internal spaces, for example inside a cabinet, under the sink, in the bathroom or in small technical rooms.

Equipped with Full DC Inverter technology, the IDRA ECO multisplit water-cooled air conditioner without outdoor unit guarantees excellent performance in both cooling and heating modes. The dedicated electronics and the advanced Panasonic and Mitsubishi DC Inverter compressors increase the silence and optimise the power of the unit according to the ambient temperature.

IDRA ECO multisplit is available in the following sizes:

  • 18,000 BTU/h - 5.2 kW (dual)
  • 24,000 BTU/h - 7.0 kW (trial)
  • 28,000 BTU/h - 8.2 kW (quadri)

The IDRA next range is available in the following versions:

  • IDRA next mono and multi split (dual, trial, quadri)
  • IDRA next CED mono-split - for server rooms
  • IDRA next RING mono and multi split - for water ring systems

Energy saving multi-split water-cooled air conditioner without outdoor unit IDRA ECO It is available in versions from

Technical features:

Ultra silent

Ultra silent
Completely soundproofed it emits only 41 dB (A), like a common domestic refrigerator! Also thanks to its silence, IDRA next can be installed wherever it has a water connection.

Full DC Inverter Technology

Full DC Inverter Technology
The heart of the system is a highly intelligent inverter compressor. This advanced technologyenables to modulate the power of the outdoor unit according to the cooling or heating needs of the controlled area. It ensures precise temperature regulation and highly efficient energy consumption, contributing significantly to limiting the impact on the environment also with silent operations.

Energy class A +++

Energy class A +++
Energy class A +++ appliances have 48% more energy efficiency than class A ++ appliances!

Space saving installation

Space saving installation
Multiple indoor units can be connected to 1 outdoor unit, and long piping connection is possible.Compared to one-drive-one type, the outdoor unit can be installed in various places to realize the space-saving installation.

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