Invisible air conditioners Tangible wellbeing

Invisible air conditioners

Tangible wellbeing

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Invisible air conditioners Tangible wellbeing
Ideal climate Residential, commercial, low temperature air conditioners

Ideal climate

Residential, commercial, low temperature air conditioners

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Heat pumps Also hot water in addition to comfort

Heat pumps

Also hot water in addition to comfort

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CMV Systems Comfort and air quality

CMV Systems

Comfort and air quality

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Invisible climate system

Our flagship

Enter the world of invisible air conditioning. Air conditioners without an external unit are the modern solution to be installed in historical city centre or in worthy location where it is forbidden or uncomfortable to install the outdoor unit on the main wall.

In air-conditioning systems without an outdoor unit, the unit is installed inside the building. Cooling can take place in two ways: using an air-to-air system or a water-to-air system.

Preserving the facades

Preserving the facades

Compatible with cask, split, duct, vrf, consolle

Compatible with cask, split, duct, vrf, consolle

Compatible with cask, split, duct, vrf, consolle

Heat pumps

Comfort and hot water

Heat pump systems for producing DHW quickly, economically and in an environmentally sustainable way to reduce fossil fuel consumption. The heat pump air-water pulls out the heat absorbed by air in order to transfer it inside home to produce hot water or to warm the rooms up.

They can be installed in new buildings or in already existing buldings and they can be combined with supplementary heating systems such as solar thermal or biomass boilers.

Easy to install

Easy to install

High performance and reduced consumption

High performance and reduced consumption

High performance and reduced consumption
Air conditioning

Air conditioning

Ideal air conditioning in every situation

The best solutions in terms of quality standards, technology and product range. Discover our innovative invisible air conditioners and our traditional climate systems.

Residential Climate

Residential Climate

Shopping and hospitality

Shopping and hospitality

Low temperature

Low temperature

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VRF systems
VRF systems

VRF systems

Variable refrigerant flow

Air conditioning systems with variable refrigerant flow. They represent the perfect solution to traditional boilers and chillers.

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Comfort and air quality

Controlled mechanical ventilation Systems with high-efficiency heat recovery for purifying the air in the home, eliminating unpleasant odours, pollutants and the formations of humidity and mould.

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30 years working to have an ideal climate

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From monday 16/08 till friday 20/08 our company will be closed for summer holidays.  

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Catania, Sicily- Installation of Heat Pump Athena R32


Installation of Heat Pump Athena R32

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Air conditioning systems
In high efficiency heat pump

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La società Tekno Point Italia Srl Unipersonale, con codice fiscale 04199790272, ha ricevuto nel corso dell'anno 2020 e 2021 aiuti di stato che verranno pubblicati sul RNA.

Share Capital € 50,000.00 i.v. | C. F. and number Register of Companies Register 04199790272 | Copyright 2021 Tekno Point - Invisible Climate System. All right Reserved
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