Privacy Policy

This Application collects some Personal Data from its Users.

Data Processing Holder

Tekno Point Italia S.R.L.
Via dell'Artigianato, 5 - 30020 Marcon (VE) - Italy

Types of collected data

The Personal Data collected by this Application, either independently or through third parties, includes: Cookies, Usage data, name, surname, company name, profession, country, province, email and city.

Other Personal Information collected may be indicated in other sections of this privacy policy or through informative texts displayed together with the collection of the Data itself.
Personal Data may be entered voluntarily by the User, or collected automatically during the use of this Application.
Any use of Cookies - or other tracking tools - by this Application or third party service providers used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, has the purpose of identifying the User and recording the related preferences for purposes strictly linked to the provision of the service requested by the User.
Failure of the User to provide some Personal Data may prevent this Application from providing its services.

The User assumes the responsibility of the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this Application and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability to third parties.

Method and place of processing of the collected Data

Processing mode

The Owner processes the Personal Data of Users by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.
Processing is carried out using IT and / or telematics tools, with organizational methods and logistics strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, persons involved in the organization of the site (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external subjects (as suppliers of third party technical services, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, Data Processors by the Data Controller, may have access to the Data. The updated list of Managers can be requested from the Data Controller at any given time.


The Data is processed at the operational headquarters of the Data Controller and at any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information, contact the Owner.


The Data is processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the User, or required by the purposes described in this document, and the User can ask for the interruption of treatment or deletion of data at any given time.

Purposes of the processing of collected data

The Data concerning the User is collected to allow the Owner to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes: Analytics, Displaying content from external platforms and Contacting the User.

The types of Personal Data used for each purpose are indicated in the specific sections of this document.

Details on the processing of Personal Data

Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

  • Contact the User
  • Statistics
  • Displaying content from external platforms

Servizi e prodotti

Privacy Policy

This Application collects some Personal Data from its Users.

Data Processing Holder

Tekno Point Italia S.R.L.
Via dell'Artigianato, 5 - 30020 Marcon (VE) - Italy

Types of collected data

The Personal Data collected by this Application, either independently or through third parties, includes: Cookies, Usage data, name, surname, company name, profession, country, province, email and city.

Other Personal Information collected may be indicated in other sections of this privacy policy or through informative texts displayed together with the collection of the Data itself.
Personal Data may be entered voluntarily by the User, or collected automatically during the use of this Application.
Any use of Cookies - or other tracking tools - by this Application or third party service providers used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, has the purpose of identifying the User and recording the related preferences for purposes strictly linked to the provision of the service requested by the User.
Failure of the User to provide some Personal Data may prevent this Application from providing its services.

The User assumes the responsibility of the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this Application and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability to third parties.

Method and place of processing of the collected Data

Processing mode

The Owner processes the Personal Data of Users by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.
Processing is carried out using IT and / or telematics tools, with organizational methods and logistics strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, persons involved in the organization of the site (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external subjects (as suppliers of third party technical services, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, Data Processors by the Data Controller, may have access to the Data. The updated list of Managers can be requested from the Data Controller at any given time.


The Data is processed at the operational headquarters of the Data Controller and at any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information, contact the Owner.


The Data is processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the User, or required by the purposes described in this document, and the User can ask for the interruption of treatment or deletion of data at any given time.

Purposes of the processing of collected data

The Data concerning the User is collected to allow the Owner to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes: Analytics, Displaying content from external platforms and Contacting the User.

The types of Personal Data used for each purpose are indicated in the specific sections of this document.

Details on the processing of Personal Data

Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

  • Contact the User
  • Statistics
  • Displaying content from external platforms

La società Tekno Point Italia Srl Unipersonale, con codice fiscale 04199790272, ha ricevuto nel corso dell'anno 2020 e 2021 aiuti di stato che verranno pubblicati sul RNA.

Share Capital € 50,000.00 i.v. | C. F. and number Register of Companies Register 04199790272 | Copyright 2021 Tekno Point - Invisible Climate System. All right Reserved
Company subject to management and coordination by Etic Group Srl - P.IVA e C.F. 04675730271 - REA VE-439719
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