Floor-mounted air conditioning systems

Tekno Point has 20 years of experience in the production and sale of floor air conditioners with DC inverter technology. Installable on the ceiling or on the floor, this type of system does not require particular masonry work. The floor-mounted air conditioner is the ideal solution for those who need a long and powerful air jet.

Contact Tekno Point to purchase an air conditioning trial split system.

Servizi e prodotti

Floor-mounted air conditioning systems

Tekno Point has 20 years of experience in the production and sale of floor air conditioners with DC inverter technology. Installable on the ceiling or on the floor, this type of system does not require particular masonry work. The floor-mounted air conditioner is the ideal solution for those who need a long and powerful air jet.

Contact Tekno Point to purchase an air conditioning trial split system.

La società Tekno Point Italia Srl Unipersonale, con codice fiscale 04199790272, ha ricevuto nel corso dell'anno 2020 e 2021 aiuti di stato che verranno pubblicati sul RNA.

Share Capital € 50,000.00 i.v. | C. F. and number Register of Companies Register 04199790272 | Copyright 2021 Tekno Point - Invisible Climate System. All right Reserved
Company subject to management and coordination by Etic Group Srl - P.IVA e C.F. 04675730271 - REA VE-439719
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