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Tekno Point exhibites at Ish 2023

Tekno Point Italia will be present at this important event dedicated to the experts of this sector, bringing to the stage its long experience in air conditioning solutions without external units.

21 Febbraio 2023

One of main event of the HVAC sector is coming back after a long stop due to the pandemic period.

ISH 2023, the international HVAC + Water industry event, is planned in Frankfurt from 13 to 17 March.

Due to ongoing climate change, housing requires are increasing towards advanced and ecologically sustainable air-conditioning solutions. The main focus of the exhibition is energy transition with a special view to environmental innovation.

Tekno Point Italia will be present at this important event dedicated to the experts of this sector, bringing to the stage its long experience in air conditioning solutions without external units.

During these three days of the fair, the venetian company, which has reached the prestigious milestone of its 30th anniversary, will show many news especially about the invisible line. Leading example is the second generation of ATHENA-C, the fully indoor heat pump, that has been totally updated in terms of components and functionality.

Surely there will be no shortage of our top range products, such as IDRA Next, Elfo and the innovative Caio, as well as the family of low-temperature air conditioners. The research and development team is focusing not only on products' performance and efficiency, but also on research into durable components, new refrigerants with low potential on the greenhouse effect and the longevity of the products proposed.

Tekno Point Italia exhibition area is located in HALL 8.00 pav. J 50 and will be presented to the public soon through its website and social media.

The comment of Fulvio Bolgan, Tekno Point export manager

“Innovation has always been a focal point for Tekno Point and in Frankfurt we will present our ideas and new projects for the immediate future. As the European market is rapidly developing, and for our company a source of increasing satisfaction, we could not miss it. We will accompany the public of customers and professionals in the discovery of new ways of indoor wellness, with a view to sustainability and architectural respect."

La società Tekno Point Italia Srl Unipersonale, con codice fiscale 04199790272, ha ricevuto nel corso dell'anno 2020 e 2021 aiuti di stato che verranno pubblicati sul RNA.

Share Capital € 50,000.00 i.v. | C. F. and number Register of Companies Register 04199790272 | Copyright 2021 Tekno Point - Invisible Climate System. All right Reserved
Company subject to management and coordination by Etic Group Srl - P.IVA e C.F. 04675730271 - REA VE-439719
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